OG Jawz Vs Lil Deuce Memphis Jookin

Posted on : April 3, 2023
Posted by : Hollywood Vince
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Memphis Jookin is a dance style that originated in Memphis, Tennessee in the late 1980s. It is a form of street dance that combines elements of ballet, modern dance, hip-hop, and jazz. Known for its intricate footwork, fluid movements, and sharp turns, Memphis Jookin has gained popularity in recent years, thanks in part to the National Jookin League.

The National Jookin League is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2013 with the goal of promoting and preserving the art of jookin. The organization hosts jookin competitions, workshops, and events, and also provides resources and support for jookin dancers and enthusiasts around the world.

One of the main objectives of the National Jookin League is to showcase the diversity and creativity of the jookin community. The organization encourages dancers of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels to participate in its events, and has worked to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where everyone can feel comfortable expressing themselves through dance.

One of the most significant events organized by the National Jookin League is the annual “Memphis Jookin Week.” This week-long celebration of jookin features workshops, performances, and competitions, and attracts dancers and fans from all over the world. The event also provides a platform for young and emerging jookin artists to showcase their talent and connect with others in the jookin community.

In addition to hosting events and promoting jookin, the National Jookin League also works to preserve the history and cultural significance of the dance style. The organization has partnered with museums, universities, and other institutions to document the history of jookin, and has worked to raise awareness of the important role that jookin has played in the culture of Memphis and the surrounding region.

Overall, Memphis Jookin and the National Jookin League have played an important role in promoting and preserving the art of jookin. Through its events, resources, and advocacy work, the organization has helped to create a vibrant and inclusive community of jookin dancers and fans, and has worked to ensure that this unique dance style continues to thrive for generations to come.